
Saturday, August 13, 2005

It Needed to Be Said...

Bush Raises Option of Using Force Against Iran

I know the liberal activists are going to up in arms about this, but truly it needed to be said.

Iran, in my eyes, is the biggest threats to world security in the world. Saudi Arabia can be bribed, Syria is a lot of mouth without much muscle, and North Korea is too impoverished to be much of a threat on its own. *NO ONE* can afford for Iran to have nuclear weapons because they are insane and fanatical enough to use them not just against us, but against their neighbors as well.

The Iranians need to understand that we're serious and that we're willing to take matters into our own hands if they don't back off. I don't think they can even say they need nuclear power for electricity with a straight face, and nobody takes them seriously when they say it anyway.

I hope the Iranians were listening because GWB is not the kind of guy to throw around "military option" without meaning it...


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