But I Thought Homosexuality Wasn't a Choice?
Shy Swedes fail to seduce gay penguins
At Bremerhaven Zoo in Germany, they have too many male penguins, and at a zoo in Sweden they have too many females. Not a big problem: just bring some females from Sweden and even up the odds, right? That's what zookeepers thought too. Unfortunately the penguin gals are more the shy types and didn't manage to find any mates.
Here's where the story got a little funny to me: homosexual "militants" protested the Bremerhaven Zoo for "interfering in the penguins' freedom of sexual orientation." Really. No kidding.
According to the homosexual community, homosexuality is something you're born with - it's not a choice. So if that's the case, how can introducing females "interfere" with the male penguins' same-sex pairing? Could it be that the "militants" were afraid that the male penguins - given a choice - would choose a female over a male?
That's exactly what they feared. It tells me that they themselves believe that homosexuality is not necessarily an in-born trait over which the individual has no control: that it can be an adaptive or learned behavior subject to reversal in at least some circumstances.
So why should I buy into their argument that homosexuality is always and in every case an uncontrollable genetic trait when their own actions prove that they don't buy into it either?