NAACP Engages in Racism for Profit
Yet They Wonder Why Bush Doesn't Come To Their Convention
I wonder if it's possible to nail down the exact point that the NAACP stopped being about fighting for racial equality and turned into a "hate whitey Republicans" profit machine?
Once again Julian Bond has called Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell "tokens" - essentially saying that any white person who would hire them is doing so only to hide their racism, not because they were 4 Star Generals or ran the University of Stanford or anything that might be considered actual qualifications for the job.
He also said that Republicans are Nazis. Nice. That's beyond politics and well into "hate speech." It's interesting that a group of people who profess to be so sensitve about the use of the "N" word would so casually toss around a word like "Nazi" to describe those who have committed the egregious sin of not kowtowing to his Racism-For-Profit organization.
What angers me most about this kind of rhetoric is Julian Bond is a liar. He's not the backwards redneck or the project dweller who hates because he's ignorant. He doesn't even hate: he just talks the talk to make money for his organization.
If he, or anybody in his organization, REALLY believed that Republicans were Nazis would they ever have issued an invitation for them to speak at their convention? Of course not! No self-respecting organization would ever invite a Nazi to give a key-note address - let alone one which existed for the ostensible purpose of promoting racial equality and understanding.
It would be unthinkable to do so, yet that's exactly what the NAACP does over and over again. Actions speak louder than words: and their own actions call them liars and profiteers.
So why does he call these people tokens and Nazis? Because without the overheated rhetoric no one would pay attention to him or his organization. The donations would stop flowing, and Mr. Julian Bond would have to find a real job.
So instead he and his staff sit down to find ways to keep the coffers overflowing with cash by setting up Republicans as false bogeymen. He then tells his potential donors how they need to keep giving to the NAACP so it can go on protecting them from those evil Nazis who, evidently, would otherwise have sent them off to death camps to be annhilated with the Jews.
The only noble cause Julian Bond is fighting to protect is Julian Bond's pocketbook and that of his cohorts at the NAACP....