CBS Spins Its Poll Results
Bush's Approval Remains Low
CBS is touting its latest poll results with the headline screaming that his approval rating "remains low."
Last month, they said:
In a recent CBS News/New York Times Poll, President Bush's approval ratings climbed 5 percent to 40 percent, but he is still in the midst of his lowest job approval rating of his presidency.
The month before that:
President Bush's job approval has reached the lowest level yet. Only 35 percent approve of the job he's doing.
So his job approval has gone from 35% to 40% to 42% in the last 60 days. I'll help you with the quick math: that's a 20% improvement!
The actual story here is that Bush's approval ratings have significantly rebounded off their lows and the trend favors the president. So how does CBS handle it? By saying his ratings remain low. But there's no bias here...
Personally I'm amazed that after six years his approval rating is as high as it is given the constant barrage of leftist Hollywood propaganda, biased media and outright slander by liberal columnists...