Intolerant Muslims Burn for Valentine's Day
So burning Valentine's Day cards is regarded as peaceful, moderate Islamic protest?
Here's a clue: if you're setting ANYthing on fire that wasn't specifically intended to be torched, it's not a peaceful protest. But this is what passes for "moderation" in the Islamic world today.
I know that the politically correct thing to say is that we are not at war against Islam, but as story after story makes clear: those "peace-loving Muslims" we hear so much about are the minority not the other way around.
Those minority Muslims are living in as much fear of the rest of Islam as everyone else. They are under the same death sentence for dissent as non-Muslims.
Michelle nails it on the head when she brings up dhimmitude because that is their end goal. This is a fascist political ideology masquerading as theology, and the world needs to wake up to the fact that politically correct "multi-culturalism" is dead unless you're willing to accept eventual dhimmitude.
There is such a thing as right and wrong, and to call a thing by its true name is not "prejudicial" or "intolerant": it's the first step to addressing the problem that threatens the entire non-Muslim world.
The majority of the world's Muslims have no desire to live side-by-side with Christians and Jews with a mosque across the street from a church and a synagogue. There is a minority who are willing to do so, but they are denounced as unclean traitors every bit as vulnerable to the riotous masses as the unbeliever.
Read the websites of even so-called moderate clerics such as Ayatollah Sistani, and you'll find directives declaring non-believers to be the equivalent of urine, feces and the like. Does this sound like the kind of person who'd be happy to be your neighbor and be a constructive part of your multi-cultural neighborhood?
The irony of this card-burning protest is that Islam has been proclaimed as a "religion of peace," yet even cards to celebrate a day of love aren't safe from destruction. Just saying a religion is peaceful doesn't make it so.
A couple of old saws come to mind: namely that actions speak louder than words and that none are so blind as those who will not see...
It's time to stop listening to the words, take blinders off, and actually see what's going on...