U.N. Drags Israel Into Iran Weapons Dispute
Dispute Over Israel Delays Vote on Iran Nuclear Resolution
This sort of thing is exactly why the U.N. is so impotent. The issue before them is whether Iran should be allowed to develop nuclear weapons: it's really a yes or no question. So how do they handle it? By dragging Israel into it, of course.
I doubt very much that the Bush administration would be willing to include any language that has any mention of Israel in it. As they've already said, putting any such language in there would give Iran the excuse to continue developing weapons.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: the U.N. isn't going to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Even if a resolution is adopted, the Iranians - like the Iraqis and others before them - will promptly ignore any imposed sanctions and there will be plenty of corrupt hands waiting for their oil money to help them skirt the rules.
They're wasting time while the clocks ticks down....