Bottled Water Theatens Evironment
Bottled water, a natural resource taxing the world's ecosystem
Irony thy name is bottled water...
Catch almost any "environmentally conscious" activist these days and odds are good that they'll either have bottled water in their hands or at least nearby. It's the ultimate drink of the politically correct crowd. Yet a new study shows that these people are committing as much environmental damage as the evil people they claim are "destroying the planet."
A quick read through the article yields some interesting statistics:
1) You could power 100,000 automobiles a year with oil consumed making those bottles.
2) That 86% of those plastic bottles wind up in landfills, and they'll take up to 1,000 years to biodegrade.
3) Bottling water is leading to water shortages in some of the most impoverished areas of the world - thereby contributing to Third World poverty.
For what? As the article points out, the bottled water they're drinking is no safer than the tap water they're eschewing.
So the next time somone has something to say about your Humvee, remind them about how much damage they're doing with their bottled water...