Media Only Willing to Offend Christians
A media dilemma: The rest of a story
As a non-practicing Catholic, you can usually count on me to stay out of most discussions about anti-Christian bias; but this is so egregious that it's worth starting an argument over.
For several days now, much of the world has been caught up in Islamic protests around the world based on cartoons which depict Mohammed in an unfavorable light. The media dutifully reports about the outrage of Muslims, but will not show the public what it is that is so incendiary that it should justify Muslims threatening to create civil war in Europe and elsewhere around the world.
Let me get this straight: you can offend any number of Christians you want, but if you risk offending a Muslim then you must censor yourself to protect their fragile egos? This is the ridiculous position of most major media outlets in the U.S.
As the article points out, almost no American media outlets have had the tiniest bit of courage required to reprint or show the cartoons which have gotten the Islamo-fascists so upset. Oh sure, you can show a hostage being beheaded or air a bin Laden tape preaching hatred and intolerance toward even moderate Muslims if it makes that evil Bush administration looks bad; but if it might upset Osama bin Laden or his fanatical followers, then you have to protect the public from the offensive image.
How can these people manage to walk a straight line while being twisted up in the pretzel logic required to justify both positions at the same time and still claim they're "objective" with a straight face?
These are the very same newspapers that regularly publish editorial cartoons making fun of Jesus, God and Christians. Why? Because the majority of Christians tend to vote for Republicans while the majority of journalists - and Muslims - are Democrats. It has nothing to do with the sensitivity they're pretending to possess, it's all about politics...their politics and a driving need to insult their opponents at every opportunity while protecting their political allies from even an imagined slight.
Every day, more and more, the media is showing that they don't care who they side with as long as it isn't anyone who might vote Republican....