Iranians Like Nazis
Iran threat like Hitler: Merkel
It's good to see that someone other than the U.S. is taking the threat of Iran seriously, and ironically enough it's Germany who is comparing the dangers of appeasing Iran to the appeasement of Hitler and the Nazis before WWII.
Merkel is absolutely correct, though about 4 years behind President Bush in understanding that state sponsors of terror like Iran and Syria are a threat to global peace.
I have said for many years that history will be much kinder to President Bush than his current critics will allow. He stood up against Islamo-fascism when the whole world said he was a crazy cowboy - much the same as Ronald Reagan when he faced the USSR.
Mark my words: his opponents will come crawling back and pretending that they never said the hateful things they have said and that they were with him all the time exactly as the very same people did after Ronald Reagan successfully defeated the Soviet Union...
But we will be here to remind people that once again they were on the wrong side of history and fought against doing the right thing every step of the way...