No Sympathy for Smugglers
No mercy as Bali pair learns grim fate
A couple of Australians are learning the hard way that going to foreign countries and breaking their laws is no laughing matter. After getting caught trying to smuggle heroin, the first two of the so-called 'Bali Nine' will be sentenced to either life (and they mean until you're dead, life) or death by firing squad.
A lot of folks are upset that Australians are facing death by the Bali courts, but - as the old saying goes: "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." Each of these people knew the risks of what they were doing but figured they were above the law because they were Australian so they went for the quick cash. It's not against Australians per se, but it's an important warning to all foreigners outside their own borders: you will be subjected to the laws of that country.
The article focuses a lot of attention on the whining of one of the defendants that she didn't get a break for cooperating with authorities, to which we say too bad. I don't feel bad for people who think they can come into other countries, violate their laws, and then expect special treatment because they're not citizens. It's like the child who kills his parents then pleads for mercy because he's an orphan.
Tough luck, Bali Nine...Hope your example serves as a warning to everyone travelling abroad anywhere: if you're a guest in someone else's home, there's a stiff price to pay for violating that hospitality...